FL Studio For Windows (32/64 bit)

FL Studio

Digital composing software was always made so that it would imitate physical equipment as much as possible. Fancy knobs and realistic looking switches and dials are usually impressive but having detailed graphical elements usually poses a compatibility problem. You need to take into account the size of the screen your software will work on and the resolution that will usually accompany that screen. Not so long ago, the problems was easy: 4:3 screen ratio and 1024*768 resolution was pretty much standard for long while. But since monitor designers manufacturers have gone crazy with widths and resolutions nothing is certain any more.

FL Studio is the latest incarnation FruityLoops (as it was previously entitled). Fl Studio is a mixing platform best suited for digital audio composition. It sounds pretentious, and it is. FL Studio is a complex application that supports the composer in various ways including automation.

There are no textures and no rigid windows but entire interface is vector based with resizable elements and calm color tones. The default used elements are the song view, the Channel rack and the Browser. The Browser contains all of the resources you'll be using to compose a song. Generators, effects, mixers including 3rd party content and even user generated sound clips and video. All in one place. From there you can drag content onto the main workplace or the Channel rack. The Channel rack is your main control console. From there you can manipulate samples in any way you want and then literally paint them onto the song tracks. As a rule of thumb, left click adds while right click deletes. Editing samples on the rack is essentially global. Each instance of the sample will be overwritten by a few clicks. Such a great control tool.

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